• Shalom Chaverim(peace to you friends)

    Shalom Chaverim
    (peace to you friends)

    The Apple of His Eye Mission Society

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  • Shalom Chaverim(peace to you friends)

    Shalom Chaverim
    (peace to you friends)

    The Apple of His Eye Mission Society

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  • Shalom Chaverim(peace to you friends)

    Shalom Chaverim
    (peace to you friends)

    The Apple of His Eye Mission Society

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  • Shalom Chaverim(peace to you friends)

    Shalom Chaverim
    (peace to you friends)

    The Apple of His Eye Mission Society

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Was Jesus Jewish?

He was born in Bethlehem. He grew up in Nazareth. He debated with the Sadduces and Pharisees. But was Jesus really Jewish?
Was Jesus Jewish?

“Praise be to the Lord,
the God of Israel,
because he has come to his people
and redeemed them.
He has raised up
a horn of salvation for us
in the house of his servant

Luke 1:68-69

Was Jesus Jewish?

This is the genealogy of Jesus
the Messiah
the son of David,
the son of Abraham...

Matthew 1:1

Is God one, or more than one?

What did Moses mean when he said God is one? Why does God refer to Himself in the plural sometimes?
Is God one, or more than one?

I will ask the Father,
and he will give you
another advocate
to help you and
be with you forever—
the Spirit of truth.

John 14:16

Is God one, or more than one?

Who has established
all the ends of the earth?
What is his name,and
what is the name of his son?
Surely you know!

Proverbs 30:4

Will There Be An Afterlife?

Is this all there is? If there is a heaven, who gets in? And why does God refer to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as if they are still living?
Will There Be An Afterlife?

Multitudes who sleep
in the dust of the earth
will awake:
some to everlasting life,
others to shame
and everlasting contempt.

Daniel 12:2

Will There Be An Afterlife?

But about the resurrection
of the dead—
have you not read
what God said to you,
‘I am the God of Abraham,
the God of Isaac,
and the God of Jacob’?
He is not the God of the dead
but of the living.

Matthew 22:32

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Mrs. Jordan West

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Deeper Understanding

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The Weekly Parshah

The Weekly Parshah
A weekly reading from the Old Testament and its application

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Israel, War, & Antisemitism: A Biblical Perspective

Israel, War, & Antisemitism: A Biblical Perspective
A NEW Video Series from
AOHE founder Steve Coohen

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About Us

Meet the people behind Apple of His Eye

  • Steve Cohen Founder

    Steve is the one who has the reins in the hand. His heart for God's people is considerable and his passion is sharing the gospel of the Messiah with others. In his free time he enjoys playing the clarinet and hanging out with his faithful labradoodles Izzie and Sophie.
  • Nancy Cohen Director of Women's Outreach

    Nancy is multilingual globetrotter with a passion for sharing just about anything with conviction. She heads up Apple's outreach to women and considers it her mission to inspire women everywhere to share their knowledge of God's word. She also has a weakness for coffee and scones.
  • Chris Burnett Director of Donor Relations

  • Toi Powell Social Media

  • Deb Wilson Coordinator of Outreach

  • Laura Rizzo Finance

  • Richard Powell Web & IT

  • Steve Cohen Founder
  • Nancy Cohen Director of Women's Outreach
  • Chris Burnett  Director of Donor Relations
  • Toi Powell  Social Media
  • Deb Wilson  Coordinator of Outreach
  • Laura Rizzo  Finance
  • Richard Powell  Web & IT

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