Schedule Us
Schedule an AOHE Speaker
Since our beginnings in 1996, our missionaries have given presentations in over 1,000 churches in almost every state in the union. Our goal is to best suit the needs of the your congregation as we present our message.
Get Started
Our presentations are coordinated by our Itinerary Coordinator in collaboration with the leadership of your congregation.
Call or Email Us:
(888) 512-7753, ext. 1
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Build to Suit
We work with you to inform your leadership of who we are, what we do, and how we do it. We find the best fit for our presentation within the overall programming of your church. Once a presentation date is settled, we send out our confirmation paperwork.
We Handle The Details
Two months prior to our presentation, we send out a packet of information to assist the local church in informing their members and the community of the upcoming presentation.
Our Goal
Our overall goal is to win the hearts of God’s people to pray, witness and give over and above their own church giving so that others might hear the Good News of Jesus, the Messiah.
We come simply on the basis of a free-will offering received through our offering envelopes. When speaking out of our home area we request reimbursement for travel expenses and overnight housing when appropriate.
Apple of His Eye and Your Church
Why Have Apple of His Eye Come to Your Church?
Over the years many have asked us this question and there is one primary answer: so that we might assist the members of each congregation to better fulfill the Great Commission in reaching out to all, including the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel - the Jewish people. Steve Cohen, our founder, grew up in a Jewish home and was surrounded by Christians who, for the first 23 years of his life, never told him about Jesus. They went faithfully to church, observed the rites and festivals of the church, but never spoke to him about Jesus. The silence of the church even today is deafening in the ears of the lost. They are facing a Christ-less eternity where there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. We have a demonstrated track record of seeing change from silence to active witnessing.
Available Presentations
Sample Presentation
All Available Presentations by Steve Cohen
Season Presentation Jan–Feb.
Lent May – Jun. Sep. – Nov. Advent Any Date All Available Presentations for Women by Nancy Cohen
Season Presentation Any
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Messianic Order of Service
Download as PDF
Download as Doc
The Messianic Order of Service provides an outline of the service typically conducted by Apple of His Eye founder Steve Cohen. Churches will find it helpful to print these and distribute them to the congregation as part of the bulletin.
Messianic Passover Kit
Download the Passover Kit
Download the Passover Booklet
A Messianic Passover Haggadah (Passover booklet) for your congregation and personal Passover celebrations.