Israel War Relief
Support Israel and AOHE's war relief efforts during this critical time! Stand against terrorism. Stand against antisemitism. Stand against religious warfare. Support us in helping God's land and people now.
We accept all major forms of payment and we use a U.S.-based payment processor to securely process all of our transactions.
(888) 512-7753, ext. 1
Questions? Click to Email UsApple of His Eye Mission Society is a not-for-profit 501c(3) organization. We file a Form 990 annually for the public disclosure of all our finances.
Replenish the Storehouse
Dear friends in Y’shua
We praise God for the support that has been given over the past 27 years. We have invested it in bringing the Gospel to the Lost Sheep of Israel and equipping the church to do the same.
We seek your vote of confidence NOW as we move forward through your prayerful, sustaining mission support so that more people will hear the Gospel and by God’s grace respond in faith.
May the Lord bless you richly as you have us!
Your co-laborer in Christ on behalf of all of us at The Apple of His Eye,
Steve Cohen
Romans 10:1-10We accept all major forms of payment and we use a U.S.-based payment processor to securely process all of our transactions.
(888) 512-7753, ext. 1
Questions? Click to Email UsApple of His Eye Mission Society is a not-for-profit 501c(3) organization. We file a Form 990 annually for the public disclosure of all our finances.
Your Giving is Vital
In these times of stay-at-home orders, social distancing, and the new normal, the Apple of His Eye Mission Society continues to work across the United States and around the world to reach people for Jesus.
We are blessed to share Jesus as Messiah through internet technology like Zoom, live streaming, and YouTube.
However, your financial help is more important now than ever to our continued mission.
Join many others in supporting the Apple of His Eye Mission Society and our ministry.
Please consider a gift now:
We accept all major forms of payment and we use a U.S.-based payment processor to securely process all of our transactions.
(888) 512-7753, ext. 1
Questions? Click to Email UsApple of His Eye Mission Society is a not-for-profit 501c(3) organization. We file a Form 990 annually for the public disclosure of all our finances.
Give Online
You may use a credit card, debit card or electronic funds transfer (ACH) to donate online through our secure site. Just click the Donate button.
Please consider making your donation on a scheduled basis such as monthly, quarterly or even semi-annually.
We accept all major forms of payment. We use a U.S.-based payment processor to securely process all of our transactions.
Apple of His Eye Mission Society is a not-for-profit 501c(3) organization. We file a Form 990 annually for the public disclosure of all our finances.
Give by Phone
To make a donation by phone and/or using your credit card, please call our financial office at:
Please consider donating on a scheduled basis--monthly, quarterly or semi-annually.
Apple of His Eye Mission Society is a not-for-profit 501c(3) organization. We file a Form 990 annually for the public disclosure of all our finances.
Give by Mail
If you wish to donate by check or money order, make it payable to The Apple of His Eye Mission Society, indicate which mission effort or missionary you want the funds to be applied to in the "For" field on your check (i.e.: Central Office, Steve Cohen, Bob Roegner, etc.) and then mail the check to:
Please consider donating on a scheduled basis--monthly, quarterly or semi-annually.
Donations may be remitted to:
Apple of His Eye Mission Society
PO Box 1649
Brentwood, TN 37024-1649, USAApple of His Eye Mission Society is a not-for-profit 501c(3) organization. We file a Form 990 annually for the public disclosure of all our finances.
Give with Amazon
Use the
program and Amazon will make a donation to Apple of His Eye every time you shop!
A few simple clicks in your existing Amazon account and you're done. Easy peasy!
Follow these steps:
- Click Here to login to Amazon via the Amazon Smile program
- Designate Apple of His Eye Mission Society - St. Louis as your recipient charity if you have not already
- Shop Amazon just like you normally would
- Bookmark the Amazon Smile login page
- Remember to start your shopping at the Amazon Smile login page every time you shop
Once you designate Apple of His Eye as your recipient charity, Amazon will donate a percentage of everything you purchase each time you shop on Amazon. It's that easy!
Remember, you must login at Amazon Smile to shop Amazon and support AOHE.
Gifts of Thrivent Choice Funds
Apple of His Eye can be designated as the recipient of Thrivent Choice dollars. This arrangement can be made through the Thrivent web site. Donations made through Thrivent Choice go to our Central Fund.
For assistance in designating Thrivent funds, please contact Thrivent at:
(800) 847-4836
Questions? Click to Email UsApple of His Eye Mission Society is a not-for-profit 501c(3) organization. We file a Form 990 annually for the public disclosure of all our finances.
Planned Giving
Planned giving helps secure our future with tax and income advantages to you now.
Please contact our office and your attorney or estate planner for details about the benefits to your estate of a planned gift. We will be happy to furnish you with the information you need to include The Apple of His Eye Mission Society in your will or other legacy plans.
Please prayerfully consider including The Apple of His Eye Mission Society in your estate planning. You can gift the gift that keeps on giving here on earth pointing people to eternal life with God in heaven. Estate Gifts support our Central Fund.
We may be reached at:
Apple of His Eye Mission Society
PO Box 1649
Brentwood, TN 37024-1649, USA
(615) 376-7861
Questions? Click to Email UsApple of His Eye Mission Society is a not-for-profit 501c(3) organization. We file a Form 990 annually for the public disclosure of all our finances.
Other Ways to Give
Electronic Funds Transfer
To establish a monthly Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) please contact our financial office at:
Gifts of Stocks or Securities
Because we are a nonprofit organization, giving the gift of appreciated stock, bonds or mutual funds can be an excellent option that enables you to take advantage of certain potential tax benefits.
If you are interested in making a stock transfer, please call our main office. We will gladly arrange all of the details.
We may be reached at:
Apple of His Eye Mission Society
PO Box 1649
Brentwood, TN 37024-1649, USA
(615) 376-7861
Questions? Click to Email UsGifts In-Kind
In-Kind gifts of property can be received by our mission organization which may yield certain tax advantages to the donor.
We appreciate current-generation technology, office equipment, services, real estate and more.
Please contact our administrative office to discuss specific in-kind donations at:
(888) 512-7753, ext. 1
Questions? Click to Email UsApple of His Eye Mission Society is a not-for-profit 501c(3) organization. We file a Form 990 annually for the public disclosure of all our finances.
Why Support Us
Your Faith Matters
The Apple of His Eye is a faith mission. We rely on the sacrificial giving of believers in Jesus who share our passion in reaching the lost. Your over-and-above giving literally enables us to reach those who do not know Jesus.
When you donate to Apple of His Eye, everyone wins: you get to share your support, we get to carry out the mission – others get to hear of Y’shua.
The faithfulness of those who support Apple of His Eye is truly appreciated.
How We Use Your Gifts
Designated funds go directly to support a specific missionary or work of the organization. Undesignated donations go to our Central Fund to cover our Central Office rent, newlsletters, phone in office, etc. plus salary for staff to support our offices.
All donations are tax-deductible. Annual receipts will be mailed to donors during January.
The Apple of His Eye Mission Society is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization and a Recognized Service Organization of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.
We are Boldly Declaring Y’shua as Messiah, and Urgently Equipping Believers to do the same.
Types of Support
There are many ways you can support Apple of His Eye.
- Financial Donations
- Stock and Securities Donations
- Planned Giving Donations
- In-Kind Donations
- Volunteer Donations
- Thrivent Donations
“Just as you excel in everything – in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in your love for us – see that you also excel in this grace of giving.” (2 Corinthians 8:7, NIV)
Apple of His Eye Mission Society is a not-for-profit 501c(3) organization. We file a Form 990 annually for the public disclosure of all our finances.
Our Fundraising Policies
Statement on Financial Transparency
Some may wonder about our principles and practices with regards to fundraising. Our Form 990 is filed annually with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service for anyone to access. We seek to be transparent and highly accountable for the sacrificial gifts of mission support entrusted to us by our faithful supporters. To that end, we abide by the following principles of good financial stewardship.
Our Position and Standards on Fundraising
We believe that this mission is God’s mission and that He is the provider of all support through caring individuals who underwrite our efforts.
Each missionary is responsible for going through a process of deputation to build his/her own mission fund.
We are a ministry that seeks to win the hearts of God’s people to 1) pray, 2) witness and 3) give in mission support over and above their regular church giving and existing mission commitments. We eschew guilt or pressure tactics for giving and trust God’s provision for our work.
We present ourselves to others to convey our mission and vision: To Boldly declare Y’shua as the Messiah to Jewish people and Gentiles; and, to Urgently equip the church to do the same.
We train new missionaries to do their deputation and we establish a missionary fund for individual missionaries and projects. All of the gifts we receive are coded to a missionary or project using a fund accounting system. There are three exceptions to this rule:
- If the donor directs the gift for use of another missionary or project it will be so coded. If we are unable to use said gift for that project, we will communicate back with the donor to seek their wishes offering alternatives or returning the gift.
- All end-of-life bequests from donors will be coded to the general fund for future use of ministry expansion. Missionaries should so inform their donors of this policy.
- If an already coded donor is present with different missionary speaking, gifts to that second person will be coded to the second missionary. Future gifts by default, unless directed elsewhere, will go to the first person.
Missionary expenses, salaries, benefits, etc. will be charged to the missionary fund. Once a missionary has a developed fund, defined as having 4 months general expenses in their fund, then the missionary’s fund will be charged an administrative fee to help defray general fund expenses and cover administration costs, newsletters, etc. That fee is 10% of the missionary’s income.
Under-developed missionary funds will not go into the red. We will be able to disperse salaries and expenses only as funds are available in the missionary account.
As a matter of principle, we do not accept financial gifts from unbelievers. If a gift is determined to be from a non-Christian, we will graciously return the gift indicating that we believe before we receive a gift from them that they receive God’s gift of salvation.
All names brought with a missionary before their term of service starts will stay with the missionary if/when they leave The Apple of His Eye. All names received during their term of service remain with The Apple of His Eye following their departure.
Administrative staff are not responsible for raising their support. However, it is encouraged that they help by inviting others to support The Apple of His Eye. Their expenses come from the general fund.
All staff are to help with donor relations by communicating with supporters on a regular basis through receipt letters, newsletters, e-mails, post cards, phone calls, and visits etc.
Our donor lists are not available for sale or trade with other agencies. We respect the privacy of individuals who have entrusted their personal information with us so that we might communicate with them.
At the discretion of the Executive Director, donors who are coded to missionary accounts which are no longer active may be reassigned to active missionary accounts.
Any new missionary may ask the Executive Director to re-code donors who are members of his/her home church so that future funds will go to that individual.
No funds are received directly by individuals for their use. All donations are to be processed properly and added to the missionary account. For example, if a missionary speaks in a church and the pastor wants to give that person an honorarium over and above the offering received, that honoraria is to be sent in to the administrative center along with the offering to be credited to their fund, and not held onto for personal use.
We seek to be generous people, and if a missionary has a developed fund, he may take the initiative to help a new worker develop their fund by directing the offering they receive at a church to that new fund. This should be specifically stated so that all parties are aware of what is happening.
Missionaries will receive regular reports of donations received so that they can communicate with these gracious individuals in a timely manner.
If you have questiona about our policies, please feel free to contact us for clarification.
(888) 512-7753, ext. 1
Click to Email UsApple of His Eye Mission Society is a not-for-profit 501c(3) organization. We file a Form 990 annually for the public disclosure of all of our finances.