On the Streets of St. Louis

I went to the Delmar loop. It feels like it has been a long time since I have been here. I talked to a woman who was trying to raise money for a charity, and she said while on the job that she could not talk about Jesus. I shared the gospel with her anyway. I met couple of Christian women, and one needs prayer for her boyfriend named Cash. What is funny about this charity that was raising money is that down the street there was another couple of women. I was able to talk to a woman, and she said she was Catholic. I shared with her that the actual gospel is Jesus dying on the cross for her sins.
A man named Tyre needs direction. He is a Christian. I talked about doing a Bible reading schedule, because I feel it is important to get the Word. Had a chat with Rudolph. He wants to invite me to a Bible study. We talked about covid, and how the church has been affected by it.
There was a woman of whom I asked a question. She did not want to talk. She said she was gay, and I told her that Jesus died for gay people. I talked to Todd as he was fixing his motorcycle on the side of the road here in Delmar loop. Just a little bit busy, but I did share the gospel with him.
I talked with Mark. He is questionable as far as Jesus, kind of knows about God, and kind of does not sound like he is saved. I did share the gospel with him. He asked a lot of questions about the Bible and thinks being Christian causes you to be good. I told him if first thing you need is to accept Jesus, that you cannot live a good life in your own strength. You need to ask the Lord for help.
I went downtown.
Esther, her ex-husband and I had a good conversation about Jesus and color. I tried to tell her that you know that color does not really matter to Jesus.
Garth is a believer but does not go to church because he does not like to be preached to. I encouraged him to read through the Bible using a Bible reading schedule.
The Navy had an event going on downtown at a restaurant. I talked to some people, shared the gospel, but they said they could not talk about Jesus.
An old guy got mad at me, said that I have talked to him before. He did not want to hear the gospel, although I was talking to a guy next to him in a wheelchair and gave him the gospel.
Syane is a believer that needs prayer about life.
One guy first said his name was Jesus, then ISIS.
Jessica, Latter-Day saint, understands it is by Jesus’ death we can spend eternity with him, she has concerns about her brother Brendan who just got divorced. I told her about my dad and somebody else I know who God has changed. I try to tell her that God can change it the situation. With my dad it was more like a reconciliation of a relationship.
Yours in Christ,
Ken Ebright