Notes From an Outreach in St. Louis

I went down to the Delmar Loop. I talked to a Muslim by the impression he one thing he believes that the Holy Spirit can save people I told him only Jesus. He also used John 5:30 where it says that Jesus can do nothing. And he tried to say that Jesus is not God. I tried to get his email address, but I have to think he wanted to argue. I don’t think you want to listen to me.
I talked to a woman named Angela she is a believer, and she is a start going to Presbyterian Church.
I talked to Raha and Tasha; they are from Nepal. They are students and they are believers. They need prayer because they are trying to find work.
I talked to a gentleman by the name of Bradley. He is homeless and he does not know whether he believes it or not. I gave him the gospel.
I talked to a gentleman by the name of Joseph, he’s a believer. He asked for prayer because he has a smoking habit.
I went downtown.
I talked to Mitch. He is playing a saxophone. He is a believer. I know it because he quoted Ephesians 2:8 and 9.
I talked to a gentleman his name is Eli. He is a believer. He is from El Salvador. We had a really good talk.
I talked to a gentleman, and then he walked away from me. He is not a Christian anymore because of all the hypocrites. Sad as he walked away, I tried to tell him do not base Christianity on people or the actions of people.
There were two men they claimed that they could not understand because they are Spanish. I gave them the gospel anyway but was not good… both men kissed.
Talk to a guy who was a Muslim. I tried to get his email address. He does not have one. He does not believe in Jesus, but he believes in Allah is God. By the way he was a cab driver.
It was a good night.
I talked to Dale. He is a Roman Catholic, and he understands your saved by grace or he said he was heard that before. One thing about him if he was a little bit dismissive, but he asked prayer for his sons.
I am pro-life and I felt compelled to talk to Tamara. They are doing an abortion petition. Tamara who claims she is a Christian, but I asked her how you can kill that child because it is still human being even if the mother raped.
I also talked to Abhtar who was a Muslim, and I am going to send him some information.
Yours in Christ,
Ken Ebright