Islam vs. Sound Biblical Doctrine

How is it that our college-age kids are getting sucked into radical Islam? Siding with Hamas is a Satanic choice and brings a curse from God. Did we fail to teach them sound doctrine? I am not asking if our ministers failed. I am asking if we as parents, as aunts and uncles, as grandparents, failed...
I have recently heard three very different retired women, each born and raised in the church--Christians--who thought that adherents to Islam and Christianity both worship the same God. They both thought that Islam was a little off track but had good intentions in pursuing God. Their assumption is wrong and in direct conflict with Scripture.
Islam follows the false god Allah. He has different personal characteristics than our God, different plans for his people, and different eschatology (future plans) than our God, the Only True God. Allah is like any other false god in this world.
“But as for you, speak the things which are proper for sound doctrine:” Titus 2:1 NKJV
Sound doctrine. Does this sound like a passage intended for your pastor, a responsibility solely of your reverend or seminary students?
No, this Scriptural command is for you. For me. For ALL believers.
I invite you to read the short book of Titus. Chapter 1 is a warning about believers going astray. Chapter 2 challenges ALL believers to fundamentally be strong in doctrine. It goes on to tell older men how they should behave. Older women to instruct younger women in how to be wives and mothers. (Check out Nancy’s monthly articles. She is obeying this scriptural command.) This chapter also tells young women and young men how they are live their lives.
The foundation of all of our righteous living and obedience to the Savior is born out of good solid doctrine. How do we learn sound doctrine? Through reading, studying God’s Word. Not through religion. Not through referring people to the minister. We personally have the responsibility to study God’s Word. * PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.
How are you educating yourself in sound doctrine? When we are children, our parents have to tell us to brush our teeth or eat vegetables. As mature adults, we pursue good health because it is the right thing to do.
It is our personal responsibility to pick up the Bible every day and read it, to attend church and make friendships in the community of Jesus followers, and to put ourselves under the sound of the Gospel. Christian book studies are fun and fine but let me encourage you to be part of a Bible study. Read God’s Word.
Check out Bible Study Fellowship (in person or online), WordGo (an app to do alone or with friends), or The Bible Project. These resources will walk you through passages of the Bible. Not religion. Scripture.
My husband has been part of a men’s summer study for about 20 years held at a breakfast joint early on Saturday mornings. They called themselves the “God squad”. Now he meets his friends online, early, one day a week year-round.
Nancy hosted online weekly Bible studies during Covid with her daughters and granddaughters, and she is currently studying the book of James with her granddaughters.
Steve leads a weekly Bible study for men online. They have met for several years. Currently, they are going verse by verse through the book of Romans.
My friend Jessica has a crew of girlfriends to her home on Wednesday evenings to read through and discuss 1-3 John this summer. They are using a study guide and praying together.
Invite your besties to your favorite coffee shop to read thru and discuss a book of the Bible once a week. Encourage and facilitate your teen, your preteen, your spouse to do the same, while you serve them pizza or snacks.
Get into God’s Word - both individually and in community. We have personal responsibility to study and grow in God’s Word.
This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth, but thou shalt meditate thereon day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success (Joshua 1:8, ASV).
But his delight is in the law of Jehovah; And on his law doth he meditate day and night (Psalms 1:2, ASV).
Every scripture inspired of God is also profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for instruction which is in righteousness: that the man of God may be complete, furnished completely unto every good work (2 Tim. 3:16-17, ASV).
Reach out to us at AOHE...
- If you need help engaging in God’s Word
- If you need someone to help you organize or guide your group in Bible study
- If you want further understanding of Islam vs Christianity
We are here for you. We are praying for you. We love you.
Yours in Christ,
Guest Blogger