Nancy Cohen's Blog

It's Time!

An orange flame.

Saturday, the third of August, my son Ross returned from a mission trip to Pakistan. He had been invited some time ago to come preach. He had already preached to the congregations there via zoom, but now they asked him to come in person. His invitation took me back to a time when Micha had desired to go to Iran and preach...

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Time to Get Serious

Colorful fish swimmng in a lake.

The Apple of His Eye Mission Society focuses on personal evangelism and teaching others how to do the same. Steve and I have been at this for over a combined 92 years. I have had the personal joy of winning others the savior and witnessing them doing the same...

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Missions 101

A dove flying with an olive branch in its mouth.

The great commission is discipleship. Sharing the Gospel and allowing the Holy Spirit to convict and save. Following Yeshua’s example for the three years that he had his twelve “disciples”. It is one-on-one. Bearing fruit of the new life Yeshua has given us...

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I Don't Hug

Two arms embracing as a hug.

How are we receiving others into our local bodies of Christ? Kindly, friendly, welcoming? How are we respecting each other...

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Save, Guide, Love the Children

A series of children's hands raised to ask a question.

When my children were 6, 4, and 2 years old, I taught them Psalm 1. They memorized it together one summer, and we repeated it often so it would be embedded in their hearts. I drew pictures of the passage on poster boards since the youngest could not read yet and we did this every morning before play and after breakfast...

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Colorful hands overlapping one another symbolizing unity.

Spoiler Alert! Yeshua did not die for a denomination. Aww…. You already knew that didn’t you? Yeshua, not man, established the church. Yet we have such a hard time accepting the fact that if a believer goes to a different denomination than the one we attend, he/she just cannot be in sync with us. Really?...

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Live on Purpose

A dove breaking its chain and flying upwards.

Ti-i-i-i-me is on my side, yes, it is Mick Jagger. I always laugh when I hear this song. Have you seen Mick Jagger lately? Hey buddy, time was/is definitely not on your side. Remember how you thought time was on your side? Then you look in the mirror and have an immediate wake-up call.

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