
Mishpaha is the Hebrew word for family.
I am the firstborn of four children: Jax, Dirk and Jill. I do not know why, but I was always ashamed of having so many siblings. I just never really knew a lot of families our size. My dad had a sister, and my mom had two brothers, so I felt that theirs were the norm...
Perfume and incense make the heart glad, [also] friendship sweet with advice from the heart. (Prov. 27:9, CJB)
...Of course, as I matured, I realized the blessings of the different personalities and the comfort of our relationships. I also realized that God said in Psalms 127:3-5 (referring to children), blessed is the man who has his quiver full. A quiver is five. I was blessed with three children (not including two who went to heaven). My children, along with their godly spouses, have become an interictal part of my spiritual growth. We reared them in the nurture and admonition of the Lord and in a godly atmosphere and lifestyle. Because of that, I have been rewarded 10-fold what we had invested in them. Both of my sons have lovingly counseled me at various times, as I came to them. My daughter has been a spiritual guide and light throughout her adult life. They are the epitome of the song “Wind Beneath My Wings.” Sadly, this is not always the norm, even in Christian homes. It is hard for me to comprehend broken relationships in Christian homes and disrespectful children, but we see it throughout the Bible beginning in Genesis when God had to throw Adam and Eve out of the garden of Eden. Aside from my parents and an incredible grandmother, I also had the blessing of a loving and close Aunt and Uncle (Bev and Dan) who were like surrogate parents to me when my life was at its lowest.
The nuclear family is not the only mishpaha I have. Over the years, as a pastor’s wife and a foreign missionary, my “family” grew. Those around me took on a different position in my heart as I opened it. It seems that the Lord has placed various people to nurture, guide, and lift me up. As David had Jonathan, God has given me several loving mentors and additional “family.” This is our family letter and I want to include these precious people and share them with you.
Steve and Marcy Burman, my pastor and his wife from my home church in Oregon while I served in Russia. They held me together through prayer and encouragement during that most difficult time of my life.
Anat Kalisher, the wife of my Jerusalem pastor Meno, was an instant sister. She is a strong woman who has had her own trials but puts everyone first, making all a part of her life and home. She was a super example of keeping on.
John Little was my little brother in Israel, who joined me to lead a group we named Burden Bearers. It was designed to care for those around us emotionally suffering because of the Intifada. John wrote the materials we used, and I hosted the weekly meals we had. We shared leadership. Although not Jewish, he grew up in Israel and knew the culture and language well. He often explained the Israeli lifestyle that I did not understand. He would lift me up during the struggles of ministry and guided me as I needed wisdom in various projects, life trials and life choices. He literally lived in an area that at one time was receiving missiles from Bethlehem (Palestinian controlled city). John is a Bible scholar who deeply loves the Jews and Israel. He was one of two friends who attended my and Steve’s wedding (it was a family-only service). Steve and I both consider him family. He now lives in Taiwan with his wife Kwei and has authored books on the last days and has a publication Revelation Six.
LeeLee and Peter Metcalf are two unselfish, godly, and giving friends that have kept me sustained both on and off the field with prayer and wisdom. They live in Southern California, and so it is rare that I get to see them – but it is as if we never parted when we do get together. They are both Bible scholars who have guided me spiritually and lovingly. Peter is from the U.K., and Lee is Chinese (she speaks both Cantonese and Mandarin!!!) They are now U.S. citizens. They have been so patient to guide me through the ins and outs of life abroad and listen to my frustrations, as well as victories and struggles. They have been more than family to me, and I am grateful to God for them.
Frances Birkhead and Holly Garland have been like sisters to me. I first met Frances Birkhead when I was twenty-three!. Francis (east coast) is the sister who has no trouble telling me when I am out of line and keeping me focused on the Word. She was the other friend at our wedding. If you look up the word faithful, her name is there. She and her husband Wayne were missionaries to the deaf. Wayne also had a burden for mission work in Africa. As an accomplished carpenter and mechanic (as well as pianist) he would participate in mission trips there. He dies in a car accident in Africa on a mission trip. Francis could have gotten bitter, but she has kept on! She continues to serve the Lord in various venues. Holly Garland (west coast) has stood by me since I first went to the field in 1993. She took care of my newsletters, encouraged me, partnered with me in directing a play, and put up with my quirks. She has led weekly children's Bible studies for as long as I have known her, and she and her husband Ben have been the directors of the children’s church for over 20 years!! Her heart is so focused on giving the gospel to all who will listen, that she puts many to shame. She writes missionaries regularly and has been a blessing over and over to me while I was on the field with her precious letters, cards, and pictures.
There are so many in my life that have blessed me, and I believe we could all make lists of family members who do not share our DNA. God is so loving to have placed so many good – great people in our paths to help us to grow in Him.
Love each other devotedly and with brotherly love; and set examples for each other in showing respect. (Rom. 12:10, CJB)
I am so thankful for you, dear readers, and supporters! May this New Year be one of building the family of God through the sacrifice of Yeshua.
Remember: The Only Hope for Peace, was Born in the Middle East
Love from my heart,
Nancy Cohen is the Director of Women's Ministries at Apple of His Eye
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