Farm Mouse
A mouse looked through the crack in the wall to see the farmer and his wife open a package. “What food might this contain?” the mouse wondered. He was devastated to discover it was a mousetrap...
A mouse looked through the crack in the wall to see the farmer and his wife open a package. “What food might this contain?” the mouse wondered. He was devastated to discover it was a mousetrap...
When I lived in Paris, I was in the 14th arrondissement (division) of the city. I lived approximately four city blocks from the Montparnasse cemetery. This cemetery is the second largest in Paris and consists of 47 acres. It almost had a park-like atmosphere and hundreds of people walked through the cemetery daily--including me...
I have had the joy and privilege of speaking to women’s groups in different states and countries. I love it and do not take my responsibilities lightly. My daughter Toi and I have also done what we call tag-team talks. Those are my favorites. We share half a brain, so it is fun for one of us to jump in where the other leaves off, in sync, and never disjointed. Besides that, she is one of my top ten favorite people ever!
1 Thessalonians gives us what we all look for, the will of God for our lives. It also gives a command from God. He commands us: in everything give thanks. In everything give thanks. Everything. Why? Because we serve a good God. He does no evil to us. He wants us to rejoice in our lives regardless of the circumstance. We (those that have Yeshua) have that blessed hope and our lives are a continual reflection of this.
While watching news reports on the heart-wrenching situation in Turkey, I was continually amazed at the reporter’s distortion of the reactions of the people upon recovery of trapped victims. You could hear the men yelling in unison praise to Allah; then the reporter says they all praise God for the recovery. What?...
Mishpaha is the Hebrew word for family.
I am the firstborn of four children: Jax, Dirk and Jill. I do not know why, but I was always ashamed of having so many siblings. I just never really knew a lot of families our size. My dad had a sister, and my mom had two brothers, so I felt that theirs were the norm...
Happy New Year! Hag Sameach! Shana Tova!! Let’s prepare for the new year. Let’s clean house.
My house is a balligon. I mean a mess. I am in the process of moving again! This time it’s just room to room. But it's four rooms we are switching. Aghhh! It is so hard to think, work on my writings, focus on new projects, be creative, and it is actually depressing to me. Forget having guests over, and I love to entertain! There is no way. The bad part is that even when and if I can get the stuff shoved into a bedroom, I would go crazy knowing that the stuff needs to be organized and put in its place or thrown out.