Let Yourself Shine

A man inside a colorful lightbulb spreading his arms.

Have you ever thought to yourself, “I am interested in evangelism, but I do not know how to do it?” Or “I love Jesus and want to share that love with others, but most of my friends are already Christian”. I know I have asked myself those questions at times too! I want to share some of what I have learned during my first year as a missionary for Apple of His Eye and a Pastor at Zion Lutheran Church...

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Equipping the Saints

A screwdriver and a wrench.

One of the taglines I keep returning to as a missionary for The Apple of His Eye is that our mission is to “boldly declare Yeshua as the Messiah of Israel to Jewish people and Gentiles; equip local congregations to do the same.” That mission statement fits beautifully with St. Paul’s words in Ephesians 4:11-12...

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Jewish and Lutheran

Three colored crosses one behind the other.

The Question

As you all know, I am a pastor in the Lutheran Church — Missouri Synod (hereafter the LCMS) and a Jewish believer in Jesus. What many may not know is that this dual reality often results in a lot of questions from people. Being a Jewish believer in Jesus is already a place of curiosity for people.

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The Fruit of Relationship

A collage of colorful oranges.

As many of you know, I serve as a pastor and a front-line missionary in New Jersey. I have had the blessing of meeting with other Christians for regular prayer, evangelism, and outreach to our community...

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