Letters from Prison II

Shalom. I pray that all of you are well and enjoying the love and grace of Yeshua.,
Hashem is faithful! I have been incarcerated for 20 years now. At first, I thought that God had forsaken me to allow such a thing to happen, but that just goes to show you that we will never fathom the mind of HaShem. God does everything for a reason and a purpose, and sometimes we cannot quite grasp it. The funny thing is that we are not supposed to, well at least until He is ready. Then it is just mind-blowing when we do. And that is what makes Him God! Hallelujah!
We serve an awesome God. Since I have been incarcerated, I have completed SLU Preparatory College, Crossroads Biblical studies, Shalom Bible College, Aleph Institute of Jewish Studies, and I am currently working towards my Paralegal Degree through Blackstone Career Institute. And I Facilitate The Messianic Jewish Service.
Since 2003, 282 people have given their lives to Yeshua through Bible studies and services that HaShem has used me to facilitate, and now six people will be baptized on the 20th of October 2022.
That just goes to show you that our Lord and Savior can always make diamonds out of coal. HaShem uses our hardships and suffering to bring glory to His Kingdom. The Word says that he uses the foolish thing to confound the wise. I have learned that HaShem uses our tears to make diamonds as well. He will always bring beauty from ashes. We serve an awesome God! Never forget that amen?
I see the parole board in October 2023. I am standing in faith that I will be released. Nevertheless, your prayers are always welcome and always needed.
Be blessed, Beloved. Should you ever choose to write me, contact Steve Cohen. He will be sure to connect us. I will always take prayer requests, and I could always use a pen pal or friend in Yeshua. Please, if you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out and contact me through Steve.
Be blessed and may HaShem continue to watch over and care for your every need.
Your Beloved Brother in Yeshua Ha Mashiach,
David A. Eleazar Stuerman Sr.
Matthew 25:31-46
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