The Power of Prayer

It goes without saying, especially to those of you who are reading this AOHE newsletter blog. However, I am going to say it anyway, “The Power of Prayer WORKS!” To those five words I would like to say, “THANK YOU!”
As most of you already know, on the morning of October 30th, Kristi took me to the emergency room because I was as sick as I can ever remember being. I could tell I was pretty sick because of the flurry of activity going on in my emergency room with the doctors and nurses. I was quickly diagnosed with acute renal failure due to a pesky enlarged prostate that was not allowing me to urinate on my own. There was concern that other organs would soon begin shutting down as well, and a catheter removed over four liters of urine over the next two hours. I was hospitalized for two days with IV medication and antibiotics and finally released once my kidney function had returned to almost normal. Unfortunately, I still could not urinate on my own and lived the next five weeks with a catheter until TURP (Transurethral Resection of Prostate) surgery was performed and 50 grams of my prostate was removed. A cancer biopsy was benign, and as I write this, I am able to urinate on my own.
A second TURP surgery will be scheduled next year after March 10, 2022 (my next post-op appointment), giving me more time to heal and my current medication a chance to shrink the prostate before removing even more of the enlarged prostate.
My doctor was amazed at how everything went and how quickly I was healing at my first post-op appointment six days after surgery. He even commented to me that I must have a special relationship with God and that many people must be praying for me. He’s right…because I had YOU and thousands of others from around the world praying for me!
In an article published on April 18, 2016, from the Program on Religion and Population Health at Baylor’s Institute for Studies of Religion, it stated, “Nearly nine of 10 Americans have relied upon healing prayer at some point in their lives, praying for others even more than for themselves.” It also stated that “The findings also suggest that prayer may be among the most widely used forms of treatment for medical problems.”
There is no doubt in my mind that there is a direct connection between the prayers you have prayed for me and the healing that God is giving to me as answers to your prayers! Finally, this statement is made in the study, “People who feel a close connection to God, who love God and feel loved by God, are the very people most likely to pray for healing: for themselves or others, alone or in a group, and verbally or through laying on of hands.” While none of you have been close enough to lay your hands on me, no doubt, through your prayers God has laid His healing hands on me! My words of encouragement to you.
Rev. Dr. Robert M. Roegner is an Apple of His Eye Bible Teacher to Israel
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