Kristi and Bob Roegner Update


By God’s grace, we (Bob and Kristi) are doing well. Bob performed a wedding in St. Louis for a dear friend in late October. Later that week he was hospitalized with acute renal failure.

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In Memoriam: Janet Peterson

Our dear friend and faithful co-laborer in Christ Janet Peterson went to be with the Lord on November 19, 2021. Janet and her husband Ivan were longtime supporters of—and tireless workers for—AOHE. Janet will be deeply missed by the AOHE family.

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Built on a Solid Foundation?

Nancy and I moved to Georgetown, Texas in 2015 to take our ministry to the next level. Toi, Nancy’s daughter, did the leg work in locating the house. After a period of looking at different properties, she landed on our current house. Due diligence was done in having the house inspected to make sure there were no hidden issues. The inspection report gave us the green light to move ahead, and we closed in March of 2015.

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It Never Gets Old!

What never gets old, you ask? The privilege that God has given to me over the 40+ years I have served Him in ministry, of baptizing those the Holy Spirit has brought to faith.

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