From the E-Bag: Heaven and Hell in Scripture

A visitor to our website writes:
I stumbled across your website looking for information to speak to a Jewish friend of mine. Your topic “The Gospel in the Old Testament” is very helpful, thank you...
A visitor to our website writes:
I stumbled across your website looking for information to speak to a Jewish friend of mine. Your topic “The Gospel in the Old Testament” is very helpful, thank you...
Tempus Fugit…time flies, and it seems to many that the older we get the quicker it goes. Our lives are filled to the brim with activities which consume time. When we take a pause to ponder, we wonder… where did it all go?
It goes without saying, especially to those of you who are reading this AOHE newsletter blog. However, I am going to say it anyway, “The Power of Prayer WORKS!” To those five words I would like to say, “THANK YOU!”
An ongoing nemesis of Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew of the Enterprise (yep, I’m a Trekkie) is Q of the Q Continuum. He is a very colorful character and brings havoc every time he shows up. I find him to be a comic relief and fascinating (as Spock would say). Q never grows old, and he is eternal. He can zap anywhere anytime but seems to enjoy tormenting the crew and captain of the Enterprise most of all.
Last year Bob and I were in the Holy Land, and even under stringent COVID restrictions were able to share the love of Jesus with those we met. This year is different – we are in the States due to Bob’s current medical needs. Despite our being here for Christmas, our task remains the same – to share the love of Jesus with those we meet. Ephesians 3:6-7 (NLT) reminds us of this...