Written by Jordan Peiser.
Summer has been going on for a while now. For those who are parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, or even older siblings to a little one who is still in school, we know that this means that you are seeing them around more often...
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Written by Steve Cohen.
As the 2024 Olympics come on the horizon, thanks to the wonder of mass communication, we will be able to see a myriad of competitors go from the starting line to the finish in sprints, midrange, and marathon races. These competitors from over 200 countries have dedicated years of sweat and tears to have a shot at being the best in the world of their discipline. It will be exciting as we watch the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat...
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Written by Guest Blogger.
How is it that our college-age kids are getting sucked into radical Islam? Siding with Hamas is a Satanic choice and brings a curse from God. Did we fail to teach them sound doctrine? I am not asking if our ministers failed. I am asking if we as parents, as aunts and uncles, as grandparents, failed...
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Written by Paige Heinricy.
Father and Mother sent me away, for it was no longer safe to stay
I do not know the cause of this outburst of violence falling over my land...
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Written by Nancy Cohen.
The Apple of His Eye Mission Society focuses on personal evangelism and teaching others how to do the same. Steve and I have been at this for over a combined 92 years. I have had the personal joy of winning others the savior and witnessing them doing the same...
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