Thank You For Your Prayers

It has been a challenging couple of weeks. On September 6th, Nancy’s Aunt Bev’s journey on this earthly plain came to an end and her time in the Lord’s presence began. She was one of the sweetest people and I had the privilege of getting to know her and her loving husband, Uncle Dan Crews. We made last minute plans to travel to Denver to be with the family for the funeral service and a loving time of memory. The funeral was on September 15th, my 73rd birthday.
On September 25th in the evening, we mark to beginning of the Jewish New Year, 5783. According to our tradition, the Lord began His work of creation 5783 years ago. Rosh Ha Shannah marks the beginning of the High Holiday season. Greet your Jewish friends with this traditional statement – L’Shannah Tovah Tikateivu – May your name be inscribed for a good year. See this site on our web page:
On October 12th Nancy and I head to New York City to lead our Jewish Evangelism Workshop with Jordan Peiser at Zion Lutheran Church in Maywood, New Jersey on the 15th at 9 am. We extent the invitation to you if you are in the area to join us for this four-hour training event, and if you are not near by, PLEASE pray for us that those who come will see the opportunities all around them to reach Jewish people with the Gospel.
Most members of our congregations today have Jewish friends and acquaintances through work, school, and even intermarriage. Yet people feel honestly stymied as to how they might bring the message of salvation and the hope we have in our Messiah to their Jewish friends.
On Saturday, October 15, 2022, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM EST, I will be leading an on-point workshop on bringing the Gospel to the lost sheep of the House of Israel. This is not a bookish time, but a practical workshop to give you fundamentals in sharing faith. You will gain understanding of the opportunities for telling others of Jesus just as that one Lutheran told me of Jesus nearly 50 years ago.
The workshop will be held at Zion Lutheran Church in Maywood, NJ, and it is free. We invite you to come and be with us for four hours of personal growth. Oh yes, we will provide bagels and cream cheese (how Jewish is that!).
There is no charge for this special event, a free will offering will be received to help further the new ministry of Reverend Jordan Peiser in his service with the Apple of His Eye Mission Society.
The apostle Paul had a passion for the salvation of the Jewish people; he said: “I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for this is the power of God for salvation for all who will believe to the Jew first and also to the Greek” (Rom. 1:16, ESV).
We are still not ashamed today, and together we can make a difference in the lives of others facing a Christless eternity.
Please, join us on October 15 and invite others in your community of faith to come and be a part as we work together in reaching into the second largest Jewish community in the country in northern New Jersey. It would be helpful if you could RSVP by calling Jordan at 636 - 326 - 4040 extension 4. If you are unable to attend, please pray for this special event. Thank you!
Jewish Evangelism Workshop
Saturday, October 15, 2022
9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Zion Lutheran Church
120 E Pleasant Ave.
Maywood, NJ
636-326-4040 Ext. 4
Come and learn with Steve Cohen, founder of The Apple of His Eye and frontline missionary since 1976.
You, too, can lovingly and compassionately bring the message of Messiah to your Jewish friends and family at this free event.
A free-will offering will be received for The Apple of His Eye in New Jersey under Rev. Jordan Peiser.
Download a workshop announcement poster
Steve Cohen is the founder of Apple of His Eye
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