Witnessing 101+

A blue word bubble composed of religious symbols.

Y’shua called us to be His witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. He also empowers us with his Holy Spirit giving us the get up and go needed to speak to those facing a Christless eternity before it is too late for them...

I recently had a conversation at Zion Lutheran Church in Walburg, Texas with a member who was telling me about a Jewish relative. I had asked if there was an ongoing dialogue about Jesus and the answer was, “No.”

For some who are hearing the Gospel, the impression that they have is that they are engaged in a tug of war, and the hearers have to dig their heels in and resist in order to not consider what they do not know about Jesus. Can I say that again? They dig their heels in and resist engagement in order to not consider what they do not know about Jesus.

How can we get around this misperception?

First and foremost, prayer. Are you praying for those you know who do not know Jesus yet? The person who brought the Gospel to me prayed daily for three years that I would receive God’s gift of salvation, and on December 23rd, 1973, God answer his prayers (and mine) when I first confessed Him as my Messiah.

Next, by asking for their help. People have built up so much resistance to changes that are brought their way. No to the door-to-door salesman. No to the politician whose positions are polar opposite, and no to religious invitations.

I suggested that instead of the tug of war approach, try the “Can you Please Help Me?” approach. What am I saying? Invite the hearer to help you as a continuing learner in life to see things through the eyes of others. Invite this person to help by letting him know, “I have been reading this Jewish book. But I am not Jewish. Would you please help me see through your eyes what this Jewish book means with your Jewish background?”

If you get a green light, invite him to read the Gospel of Matthew (a very Jewish book!). And then follow up with a discussion getting his opinion, “What did you think?”

If there is resistance to helping, try to ferret out just what the concern is. Some might say that they are not religious. Your response could be, “That is great. I would like the opinion of someone who is Jewish and not religious.” Or perhaps they say they are not interested. “Oh, that is great, I am really curious to learn what a disinterested person thinks of this Jewish book.” Or perhaps you will hear that their rabbi does not want them to read a book like Matthew. “Well, how old are you? (If over 18) I think that you owe it to yourself to read this Jewish book and think for yourself. YOU WOULD BE HELPING ME, AND I THINK THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!”

If you have encountered resistance from past conversations about spiritual matters, that does not mean that their position is hardened in cement. Circumstances change, life throws curves our way and we may find ourselves needing help beyond our own abilities.

Do not take past closed doors to mean that they could NOT be opened now. Pray and ask. Keep on praying and keep on asking.

The Lord’s invitation for salvation remains open to everyone until their last breath.


Steve Cohen

Steve Cohen is the founder of Apple of His Eye

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