Ministry By Wandering Around

How hot is it? The temperatures in Georgetown Texas have been over a sizzling 100 degrees for the past umpteen days. This has meant we have to be creative to get out of the house with our pets so that they do not become stir crazy.
Recently I took them to Home Depot for a walkabout. We went up and down all the aisles and around the inside perimeter in relative coolness. Every so often, people would come up and ask about the dogs, who are very sociable, and want to pet them.
One worker named Chloe was walking about the store looking for customers who might be interested in having a new bathtub refit. She acknowledged the dogs, approached me and asked me if she could ask a question. I told her I would be happy to answer her question, but I asked if she would answer mine first. My question was, “What do you think of Jesus?” That led to a conversation about her upbringing in church. She had a tragic experience she had while in church years ago.
I told her that it is important for us to draw a clear distinction between the bad things that have happened even by those who named the name of Jesus and the actual teachings of Jesus.
She was interested in knowing more. “God was trying to get your attention. When we look at our lives and all the things that have happened that brought us to this point in time in this location and that you would approach me with a question, is it possible that the Lord wants you back?” I said.
I asked her if she had a Bible and she said that she did. And I encouraged her to take another look at the Gospel of Matthew and as you read it ask God this question, “is it possible that this is true and if so, what should I do?”
She seemed eager to want to do so and I gave her my ministry business card and contact information so that she could take the initiative to follow up.
No matter where we go, I am convinced that God has divine appointments for us. Is it really important that we pay attention, be on the lookout, be prayerful, and be willing to engage with others that they might come to know the hope we have in salvation through Jesus our Messiah.
So, what is on your calendar today? Who is God going to bring across your path that you might invite them into a personal evangelistic dialogue on things eternal.
Steve Cohen
Steve Cohen is the founder of Apple of His Eye
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