Steve Cohen's Blog


Outline of man walking forward.

I have come across many books and seminars on leadership since I began my ministry in 1976. Some were great, others not-so-great. But one principle which has stuck with me is known as MBWA – Management by Wandering Around. The concept is simple, get out of the office, ivory tower, cubicle or wherever you have your workstation, and wander around the area where the actual work is being done. In that way, you get to interact face to face with those in your team and actually see what is happening in their sphere of influence and work areas.

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We Are Still Not Ashamed!

Outline of man walking forward.

I came to faith in Jesus as the Messiah in 1973 through the prayerful witness of a Lutheran layman. He cared enough about me and my salvation that he prayed for me daily for three years and introduced me to a Jewish book my rabbi did not want me to read. That Jewish book was the New Testament. For the first time in my life, I read of the hope and promises of the Messiah. I grew up surrounded by Christians, but until the age 23 not one of my Christian friends had ever spoken to me about Jesus.

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The Power of Three

Image of a Venn diagram.
And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken (Eccles. 4:12, English Standard Version).

Before I was a believer in Jesus, I had many different jobs in direct sales. I worked for a period with Mutual of Omaha, then sold Kirby vacuum cleaners, went on to Compact vacuum cleaners, tried my hand at door-to-door selling with waterless cookware, worked in a portrait photography studio selling graduation and wedding packets, and worked in several jewelry stores selling everything from costume jewelry to fine diamonds and watches.

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Showers of Blessings

Image of tree with fruit on the ground underneath.
Salvation belongs to the LORD; your blessing be on your people! Selah (Psalm 3:8, ESV).

A question to begin: Where are we now?

We are two years plus into the covid pandemic. Ukrainians are two months plus into the hellish atrocities of war. Deaths, poverty, homelessness, mass shootings, fires, spiraling inflation, stocks plummeting, and more invade our minds and hearts through instant media cycles blasting 24/7 around the world.

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Thanks for the Memories

Remember for my good, O my God, all that I have done for this people (Neh. 5:19, ESV).

I grew up playing clarinet in concert bands, marching bands, and jazz bands. The music we played covered a wide repertoire from classical to marching to swing and jazz. One song that has stayed with me over the years was "Thanks for the Memory". It was the late Bob Hope’s signature song.

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