Steve Cohen's Blog

In Person and On the Road...with Gratitude

Now that there is a greater ability to visit local congregations, meet with fellow believers, and educate believers about God's heart for the Jewish people, Nancy and I have been traveling again to fulfill this imperative. We have had some wonderful visits to churches recently, and we wanted to update you and say "thank you" to those who have hosted us.

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Going for the Gold

Now that the 2022 drama of the Winter Olympics is over, we can look back at the years of preparation these elite athletes endured for just one shot at the coveted gold medal. As the old Wide World of Sports intro used to say, “The thrill of victory and the agony defeat!” While the world was captivated by the Olympic events, life continued - births, deaths, wars, rumors of wars, Covid continues, masks on, masks off, and lonely people become lonelier as feelings of isolation overwhelm.

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Time and Seasons

Tempus Fugit…time flies, and it seems to many that the older we get the quicker it goes. Our lives are filled to the brim with activities which consume time. When we take a pause to ponder, we wonder… where did it all go?

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Squid Game as a Springboard for the Gospel?

Over the past 26 years, we have written more than 150 broadsides (Gospel tracts) for distribution in public venues and by individuals. Each one is an invitation to engage in a friendly dialogue over the singular question, “What do you think of Jesus?” Cultural moments give these tracts easy relevance. The hit series Squid Game is our latest launching pad.

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Be an Upstander, Not a By Stander

There is an old Jewish joke about a mother kvelling on her son the doctor. “My son is an outstanding doctor in his field!” the mother says. To which her disgruntled relative says, “Yes, he is out standing in right field!”

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Built on a Solid Foundation?

Nancy and I moved to Georgetown, Texas in 2015 to take our ministry to the next level. Toi, Nancy’s daughter, did the leg work in locating the house. After a period of looking at different properties, she landed on our current house. Due diligence was done in having the house inspected to make sure there were no hidden issues. The inspection report gave us the green light to move ahead, and we closed in March of 2015.

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